
vatar of DivI.D., the Division Information Droid, a friendly and helpful chatbot for The Portage la Prairie School Division. DivI.D. has a sleek, modern design with a metallic silver body and blue accents. The avatar features a smiling face with expressiv
Meet DivI.D., your friendly and knowledgeable Division Information Droid, here to assist you with all your technology needs at The Portage la Prairie School Division!

Meet DivI.D.

Our PLPSD Technology Chatbot (DivI.D=Division Information Droid) 

woman  wearing headphones sitting at a computer advertising the Help Desk support link
The most effective way to get technology support!

Help Desk

Tech Support Help Desk

To complete the form, submit you email address and check your inbox for a link to access the form. Provide as many details as possible to help us address your request effectively.

Infographic listing 6 items to be mindful of when using AI in Education; awareness and education, grounded in critical thinking, privacy and security, intellectual property, assessment integrity, policy/procedure.
Things to consider when using AI in Education.

AI in Education

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically generative AI, is growing rapidly. Here are some things to remember as you begin exploring the role of AI in your unique context.

Source: Manitoba Association of Technology Leaders (MAETL)

An infographic highlighting the 4 ways to model effective cell phone use in classrooms; Accessibility, learning management systems content-specific apps and device access. Staff must set clear expectations, offer secure storage and charging and connectivi
Click the image to visit the MAETL website and a larger version of the infographic.

Cell Phones in the Classroom

Personal devices such as cell phones are a product of our society. When deemed appropriate, school staff in grade 9-12 classrooms should model effective use and guide students as they learn how to use these tools efficiently and responsibly. More information and revisions are pending.

Source: Manitoba Association of Technology Leaders (MAETL)

You can take it with you! Transfer your Gmail and Drive with Google Takeout for Schools

Change is a part of life:

  • Maybe you are a high school senior or a college student, and you are graduating.
  • Or perhaps you are a student moving to a new school.
  • You might be a teacher who is taking a job at a new school district.
  • Or maybe you are an educator retiring after many years of service.

How-to Resource Link: Eric Curts

You can export and download your data from the Google products you use, like your:

  • Email
  • Documents
  • Calendar
  • Photos
  • YouTube videos
  • Data about registration and account activity

Learn more here


Bad passwords are:

  • Names of any of your family
  • Any word which appears in a dictionary
  • Common first names, your surname, names of pets and literary characters
  • Your userid or car registration number
  • Any dictionary word slightly modified (e.g. by adding a number to the end, or changing I to 1)
  • Simple sequences such as QWERTY, LETMEIN, the name of your department or group, or an obvious name spelled backwards

Guidelines for good password:

  • Have both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Have digits and/or punctuation characters as well as letters
  • Are easy to remember, so that they do not have to be written down
  • Are more than 8 characters long; PLPSD requires at least 12 characters for staff accounts
  • Can be typed quickly, so somebody cannot follow what you type by looking over your shoulder
  • Two recommended techniques for choosing passwords which are hard to crack but possible to remember are:
  • Choose a short sentence or phrase which makes sense to you (but is not a common saying or proverb), use its initial letters and then insert a number or punctuation in the string, like Not5fsw (None Of This Fancy Stuff Works)
  • Take two or more short, unrelated words and put them together, inserting a number or punctuation at some point, like robot4My or Eye-coN

Having chosen your password, keep it safe - preferably in your head only. Never store it in text form on any computer system, and never leave a handwritten copy lying about; do not give your password to other people however trustworthy you believe them to be.  We will never ask you to change your password to a particular word. Source: unknown

Handle your iPad with care to maintain its appearance. If you're concerned about scratching or abrasion, you can use one of the many cases sold separately. To clean the iPad, unplug all cables and turn off the iPad (press and hold the Sleep/Wake button, and then slide the onscreen slider). Use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. Avoid getting moisture in openings. Don't use window cleaners, household cleaners, compressed air, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, abrasives, or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide to clean iPad. iPad has an oleophobic coating on the screen; simply wipe the iPad's screen with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove oil left by your hands. The ability of this coating to repel oil will diminish over time with normal usage, and rubbing the screen with an abrasive material will further diminish its effect and might scratch your screen.


When cleaning the outside of your laptop, first shut down your computer and unplug the power adapter. Then use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth to clean the computer's exterior. Avoid getting moisture in any openings. Don't spray liquid directly on the computer. Don't use aerosol sprays, solvents, abrasives, or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide that might damage the finish.

To clean hard-to-remove smudges or fingerprints on the display or exterior of your laptop, you can use a cloth moistened with a 70-percent isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution to gently wipe the display or enclosure of your laptop

Adapted from

image of Gmail account with  1.arrows pointing to select Gmail and 2. arrow pointing to the "report spam" button
One way to report spam

Option 1:
On your computer or phone, open Gmail.
1. Select one or more emails.
2. Click Report spam 

image of a blurred out Gmail message with 1. arrow showing 3 vertical dots and 2. parts of the menu to click to report spam
Another way to report spam

Option 2: 

On your computer or phone, open Gmail.

1. click on the vertical 3 dots on the right of the screen
2. select your preferred action

The MAETL Lending Library is a curated collection of educational technology tools purchased by MAETL and available for loan to membership organizations to increase technology access in Manitoba schools without additional expense.

Portage la Prairie School Division is a membership organization and have access to book items from the lending library which includes:

  • MAVIC Mini Ultra Light Drone
  • Oculus Quest VR
  • Parrot Mini Drones
  • Sphero SPRK+
  • Tello Mini Drones

Support Contact:

Visit the Lending Library Resource Notebook for resources, tutorials and further support.


Technology Department

Jenny Borgfjord
Technology Coordinator

Division Office
T: 204-857-8756
F: 204-239-5998

Vasyl Leshchyshyn
IT Administrator

Division Office
T: 204-857-8756
F: 204-239-5998

Sandy Drabot
Technology Accessibility Integration

Division Office
T: 204-857-8756
F: 204-239-5998

Robinn Manzano
SIS Administrator

Division Office
T: 204-857-8756
F: 204-239-5998

Trevor Fosseneuve
Network Administrator

  • Portage Collegiate Institute

Ankit Sharma
Computer Technician

  • Oakville School
  • Yellowquill School.
  • Operations Department

Christopher Obsniuk
Computer Technician

  • Fort la Reine School
  • La Verendrye School
  • North Memorial School

Spencer Duncan
Computer Technician

  • Crescentview School
  • École Arthur Meighen

School Technology Leaders

Crescentview School - Alison Duchnycz
École Arthur Meighen - Victoria Newham
Fort la Reine School - Andrew Metcalfe
Hutterian Schools - Tim Pedden
La Verendrye School - Stew Akerley
North Memorial School - Ryan Borody
Oakville School - Ashtyn Hodges
Portage Collegiate Institute - Gavin Taylor
Yellowquill School - Andrew Duykers

Contact Staff Member